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Category: mySQL 3.23.39
mySQL 3.23.39 ->4.0 Upgrade Confusion

Apologies in advance if I have posted this to the wrong forum, as the solution may be part Linux.

I am currently researching how to upgrade MySQL (3.23.39) to 4.0.x which is running on a Raq4 and have found some detailed articles. So far so good. However, after looking in /usr/local could not find the mySQL folder.

Did a 'locate' which seems to show files all over the place (sample below):


I was looking to back up the mysql folder before attempting to upgrade - but does not seem to be one as indicated in the guide. The guide is telling me to simply change the name of the current mysql directory to avoid overwriting it.

Obviously, I am reluctant to proceed and my knowledge in this area is lacking.

Any ideas on where to start or why my installation does not include a /usr/local/mysql directory :confused:

I really need to back up before attempting an upgrade.

Thanks in advance,


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